Sjaak the Pirate's School arrangement
Finding the right show can be a real problem for (primary) schools, especially when children of all ages need to be entertained. To solve this problem Sjaak the Pirate has a School show arrangement.
The package exists of the same show, brought twice: once for the younger children, once for the older children. By splitting the audience by age both groups can enjoy a show brought on their own level. Although the shows are the same on paper: they will be really different for the audience.
Sjaak the Pirate's Adventure is a really fun children show for all kids between 4 and 10 years (older is also possible). The show revolves around the life of a pirate and Sjaak will teach the children how to become a real pirate.
This fun and interactive show takes the children into a real pirate adventure and is filled with magic moments, rope, piracy, swords, knives, pistols, target practice and more. All brought in a child friendly manner with a lot of interaction and jokes.
Even the shy children will follow Sjaak's every movement from beginning till end.
Arrangement rules:
- both shows on the same day and location
- maximum 45 minutes between shows
- optional: 3 shows for surcharge
- NOT possible in the St. Nicolas Period / Carnival
- NOT possible on national holidays
- only during school times (not during holidays)
(This arrangement is done without video presentation)
- Costs:
- from € 445
- Travel costs:
- € 0.28 per km back and forth
- Duration:
- 2x 1 hour without brake
- Crew:
- 1 person
- Capacity:
- 250 children per show
- Included:
- Soundset for up to 250 people
- backdrop (+/- 4 meters wide)
- promotion materials (posters and photocards)
- digital promotion materials (photo's posters)
- all needed materials- Required:
- workspace: 6x3x2.5 meters (wxdxh)
- powersupply: 1x 220 volts
- preparation: 1 hour
- after show: 45 minutes
- dressingroom- Special details:
Arrangement rules:
- both shows on the same day and location
- maximum 45 minutes between shows
- optional: 3 shows for surcharge
- NOT possible in the St. Nicolas Period / Carnival
- NOT possible on national holidays
- only during school times (not during holidays)