Clown Zassie in Unox commercial
Best clown of the Netherlands in commercial on national TV
Have you seen th latest UNOX Knaks commercial on TV? Than you have probably noticed Clown Zassie as well. The best balloonclown of the Netherlands was asked to perform in the latest commercial of Unox.
Everyone that follows me on Facebook or Twitter may recall me being on a filmset for two days in the beginning of June. Now I can finally reveil what I was doing there: making an appearance as a balloonclown in the lastest Unox Knaks commercial.
The production crew of the commercial was looking for a good balloonclown... then you automatically end up at Clown Zassie. During two days the cast and crew worked in secret on the commercial in Aerdenhout.
The commercial shows an over the top birthdayparty with hotair balloon, horses, bouncingcastles, quads, motors, jet-skies, candy stand, marry-go-round, an elephant, paint-ball, Unox Knaks & Clown Zassie with his amazing ballooncreations.
Do you also want a birthday party to remember? Then Book clown Zassie and let yourself be amazed with his unbelievable acts.